Randall M! Gee's main Shadowfist Page

Shadowfist is a collectible card game produced by Z-Man Games, and it should be understood that they have copyrights and trademarks on all of their stuff. I only have copyright on the stuff I made here.

What I have here are the most accurate Shadowfist card lists on the Internet, and a page devoted to trades I'm seeking. I've also put up a short story I wrote for a Shadowfist/Feng Shui Fan-Fiction content.

I also have some Shadowfist-inspired pictures! Visit my Shadowfist Art gallery Right now, I've only got my unofficial Shadowfist page logo and my Hua Mulan card but I'm planning on putting more stuff up. You can see a small version of my logo at the bottom of this page. (In case you are wondering, I'm the one on the right. One of my brothers is the one on the left.) You can visit my Mulan page to find out more about this legendary woman.

If you have rules questions, you can look at the (Unofficial) Shadowfist Players' Guide Errata which I've compiled. I have a list of rulings made since the Players' Guide went to press, but at this moment (1997 July 12, as I write this) it is far from complete or organized.

To learn more about Shadowfist, its background, its sister product, the Feng Shui RPG, or other interesting things related to Shadowfist, go to my Shadowfist Miscellany page. It's got links to some very nice sites, and a few tidbits not found on any other Shadowfist devoted site that I know of. It's of special interest to Shadowfist players in the Bay Area.

Gee brothers strive righteously!

I am the keeper of Gummi Wisdom!

Email address: gee@math.berkeley.edu

Go to my main page.