Randall M! Gee's main Hearts Page

The Browning Street Boys

Hearts is a great game. The Browning Street Boys played many a hand of this game. I am winning.

The Browning Street Boys lived together 1994-1995, but they knew each other beforehand. They all attended the University of California, Berkeley.

Hearts over E-Mail

Right now, the Browning Street Boys are attempting to continue playing by E-Mail. If you're a Browning Street Boy, you can go to the Hearts hand page. Here's a (incomplete) record of the games so far:

Hand 1

First blood, pass left.

My original hand: C:AKT3 D:JT43 S:JT97 H:6

My pass from Aaron: D5 C2 CJ.  My pass to Kevin: CA CK H6.

 R    K    D    A
---- ---- ---- ----
*C2*  CA   CQ   C4
 CJ  *CK*  C9   C5
 DJ  *D8*  HK   DA
 S9   S8   S5  *S6*
*ST*  SQ   HT   S4
 DT  *DK*  HQ   DQ
 D5  *D2*  H9   D7
 SJ   HA   H8  *S3*
*C3*  D9   C8   HJ
 CT   H2  *H4*  H3
          *H5*  SA  Kevin takes "the rest."

K: 18
D:  4
A:  2
R:  2


Hand 2

No first blood, pass right.

My original hand: C:QJT764 H:965 S:3 D:K32

Pass away: CQJ0
Pass recd: H348

My pass from Kevin: H8 H4 H3.  My pass to Aaron: CQ CJ CT.

 D    A    R    K
---- ---- ---- ----
*C2*  CQ   C7   DJ
 DQ  *D8*  DK   DT
 SJ   DA  *S3*  S4
*D9*  D6   D2   HJ
*HK*  HQ   H8   HT
*D4*  D5   D3   H7
 CA  *CT*  C6   SA
 S7   CJ   H4  *S6*
*C5*  C8   H3   SK
     *H2*  Randall takes "the rest."

K:  0  18
D:  6  10
A:  2   4
R: 18  20


Hand 3
(1996 Mar-Apr)

No first blood, pass across.

My original hand: C:8543 H:J S:J8752 D:T74

My pass to Dan: HJ DT D7.  My pass from Dan: SK CK C9.

 K    D    A    R
---- ---- ---- ----
*C2*  DJ   D5   C9
 S4   S9   SA  *SJ*
 D8   DT  *D3*  D4
 CQ  *ST*  S6   SK
 C6   D7   S3  *S8*
 CA   D6   SQ  *S7*
 D9   HK  *D2*  CK
Kevin takes "the rest."

K: 13  31
D:  0  10
A: 13  17
R:  0  20


Hand 4
(1996 April-May)

No first blood, keeper.

My hand: C:AK9 H:AKQT3 S:542 D:K5
Kevin's: C:QT H:J9872 S:863 D:Q97
  Dan's: C:85432 H:5 S:J9 D:T8642
Aaron's: C:J76 H:64 S:AKQT7 D:AJ3

 D    A    R    K
---- ---- ---- ----
*C2*  JC   C9   CQ
 D8   DA   D5  *D9*
 DT  *DJ*  DK   DQ
 C8   C6  *CA*  CT                  
 C4   C7  *CK*  D6
 S9   ST  *S5*  S3
 SJ  *SA*  S4   S6
 H5  *SK*  S2   S8
 D8  *D3*  HA   H9
Dan takes "the rest."
"It's more than a feeling...."
 (Yes, Dan does play the diamond 8 twice,
  but he still has a diamond that can take the trick,
  and he's the one that got pasted for it.)

K:  0  31
D: 25  35
A:  1  18
R:  0  20


Hand 5
(1997 Jan-Jun) New seats!

No first blood, pass left.

My original hand: C:853 H:KQ93 S:K865 D:98

My pass to Dan: HK HQ SK.  My pass from Aaron: CA C6 C2.

 R    D    K    A
---- ---- ---- ----
*C2*  D2   C7   C4
 D9   D4  *DJ*  DT
 S8   ST  *S4*  S9
 D8  *D3*  DK   D7
 S6   SJ  *S7*  S2
 S5  *SK*  SA   S3
 C8   HK  *CK*  H8
 CA   HQ  *CQ*  HT
*C3*  HJ   CJ   H6
 C6   H9  *9C*  H5
Kevin takes "the rest."
(Yes, Dan plays my heart 9, but he's got no clubs,
 and Kevin has all winners, i.e., diamond ace and remaining clubs.)

K: 24  55
D:  0  35
A:  0  18
R:  2  22


Hand 6
(1997 Jun 17-1999 Jan 21)

No first blood, pass left.

My original hand: C:52 H:K83 S:AK87 D:K763

My pass to Aaron: SA SK HK.  My pass from Dan: SQ CQ C8.

 R    D    K    A
---- ---- ---- ----
*C2*  CK   CA   CT
 D7   DJ  *DQ*  D8
 S7   ST  *S9*  S4
 S8  *S6*  S3   S5
*CQ*  D9   C9   C7
*DK*  D5   DT   SA
*SQ*  HT   S2   SJ
*H8*  H6   H7   HK
 H3   H2   H4  *H5*
 C5   HA   C6  *C3*
 D6   HJ  *H9*  C4
 D3  *D2*  DA   CJ
 C8   D4  *HQ*  SK

K:  2  57
D:  2  37
A:  8  26
R: 14  36


Hands 7-16
(1998 Jan 4, about 3am)  using a Keroppi deck

On 1998 Jan 3-4, the stars were right and the Browning Street Boys were
all together.  We played "E-Hands" 7 through 16.  We began about 3am and
we were using a Keroppi deck.

Hand 6 was still ongoing over E-Mail, so we decided to leave that to its
slow conclusion and go on to Hand 7.  To finish off the first set, we
played the Across and Keep hands.

 D   K   A   R
--- --- --- ---
  4  22   0   0
  2  19   0   5

For the next set, we drew to DAKR configuration and the taunting nickel
("How does this go again?") came up heads ("Heads is always blood.")

 D   A   K   R
--- --- --- ---
 13   0  12   1
 17   0   3   6
  0   0  13  13   (K took the Queen)
  1   0  25   0

  0   0  13  13   (R took the Queen)
  0   0 -26   0   (K shoots!)
  2   8  16   0
  4  17   3   2

So the totals for the night were:

Aaron:   25
Randall: 40
Dan:     43
Kevin:  100

Which places the totals for the first 16 hands at

K: 157
D:  80
A:  51
R:  76


Hand 17
(1999 Jan 21-1999 Apr 27) New seats!

First blood, pass left.

Hands after the pass:

K: C:KQ8 D:AK942 H:K7 S:25T  (Pass: C:KQ D:A)
R: C:J965 D:Q865 H:T62 S:K7  (Pass: C:J H:T S:K)
A: C:7 D: H:AQJ98543 S:QJ63  (Pass: H:Q54)
D: C:AT432 D:JT73 H: S:A984  (Pass: C:AT S:A)

 D    A    K    R
---- ---- ---- ----
*C2*  C7   CK   CJ
 CA   HQ  *CQ*  C9
*C3*  SQ   C8   C6
 DT   SJ  *DA*  DQ
 SA   S6  *ST*  SK
*DJ*  HA   D9   D8
*D3*  HJ   D2   D5
 S9   S3   S5  *S7*
*S8*  H9   S2   C5
*C4*  H8   HK   D6
*D7*  H5   D4   HT
Dan claims the rest.

K: 13  170
D: 12   92
A:  0   51
R:  1   77


Hands 21-120
(1999 Sep 11-13)

On 1999 Sep 11-13, the Browning Street Boys gathered in Boulder,
Colorado to play a Century of Hearts, and that's exactly what we did.
They go down as "E-Hands" 21 through 120.  Hand 18 was ongoing at the
time, so we left that round to be completed over E-mail.

The scoresheet has been scanned, and you can take a look at it.

* The first page of the scoresheet
* The second page of the scoresheet
* The third page of the scoresheet
* The fourth page of the scoresheet

So the totals for this Century were:

Randall: 505
Dan:     565
Aaron:   599
Kevin:   619

Pretty close.  This places the totals for the hands tracked on this page
up to that point (all 117 of them!) at:

K:  789
D:  657
A:  650
R:  582


Hand 18
(1999 May 21-1999 Nov 15)

First blood, pass right.

Hands after the pass:

K: C:AJT752 D:A987 H:A4 S:9  (Pass: C:T D:A8)
R: C: D:JT54 H:7532 S:KJT53  (Pass: D:JT4)
A: C:K4 D:KQ632 H:K9 S:AQ62  (Pass: C:K H:K9)
D: C:Q9863 D: H:QJT86 S:874  (Pass: C:9 H:J8)

 K    R    D    A
---- ---- ---- ----
*C2*  DJ   CQ   CK
 CA   DT   C9  *C4*
*S9*  ST   S8   S6
 CJ  *SJ*  S7   S2
 HA  *S3*  S4   SA
 H4   H7   H8  *H9*
 D9   D5   HQ  *D3*
*C5*  D4   C3   SQ
*D7*  SK   HJ   D6
Kevin claims the rest.

K: 21  810
D:  0  657
A:  5  655
R:  0  582


Hand 19
(1999 Nov 15-1999 Dec 9)

First blood, pass across.

Hands after the pass:

D: C:Q932 D:A7642 H:T S:T83  (Pass: C:Q D:A H:T)
A: C:J764 D:T9853 H:542 S:J  (Pass: C:J D:5 H:4)
K: C:A85 D:J H:QJ98763 S:65  (Pass: H:Q73)
R: C:KT D:KQ H:AK S:AKQ9742  (Pass: C:KT S:A)

D  A  K  R  D  A  K
-- -- -- -- -- -- --
C2 C7 CA CT 
      DJ DK DA DT
D2 D5 HQ DQ 
         CK CQ C6 C8
         SA S8 SJ S6
         HA HT H4 H9
         SK S3 D9 S5
Randall drops his hand on the table and shoots!

K:   0  810
D:   0  657
A:   0  655
R: -26  556


Hand 20
(1999 Dec 13-2000 Jan 26)

First blood, keeper.

Hands after the pass:

A: C:K52 D:4 H:KT9543 S:K62
K: C:QT63 D:J9876 H: S:AJ83
R: C:AJ9 D:T5 H:AQ876 S:T74
D: C:874 D:AKQ32 H:J2 S:Q95

A  K  R  D  A  K  R
-- -- -- -- -- -- --
C2 CQ CA C8 
      ST S5 S6 SA
   C3 CJ C7 CK
D4 D6 DT DA 
         C4 C5 CT C9
   SJ S7 S9 SK
S2 S8 S4 SQ 
         HJ HT D9 H8
         H2 H3 DJ HA
      D5 D3 HK D8
   D7 HQ D2 H9
Kevin's lead to the 12th trick is symbolic.
He takes "the rest."

K:  7  817
D: 16  673
A:  0  655
R:  3  559


Hand 121
(2000 Jan 28-2000 Jul 31) New seats!

No first blood, pass left.

Hands after the pass:

A: C:K8732 D:4 H:53 S:Q9643   (Pass: C:87 H:5)
K: C:AT965 D:KJT3 H:J72 S:7   (Pass: C:T9 D:K)
R: C:Q D: H:KQ9864 S:AKJT85   (Pass: C:Q H:9 S:A)
D: C:J4 D:AQ987652 H:AT S:2   (Pass: C:J D:85)

A  K  R  D  A  K  R
-- -- -- -- -- -- --
   CT HK C4 C7
   S7 SJ S2 S6
      ST HA S4 DJ
      H4 HT H5 H7
         D2 D4 DK HQ
   D3 H6 D6 C8
         D5 CK DT H8
   H2 H9 DA H3
      S5 DQ S3
Randall takes "the rest."

K:  3  820
D:  5  678
A:  0  655
R: 18  577


Hand 122
(2000 Aug 9-2000 Aug 24)

No first blood, pass right.

Hands after the pass:

D: C:J2 D: H:AJ75 S:AKQT984   (Pass: C:J2 S:Q)
A: C:QT87 D:QT73 H:Q832 S:6   (Pass: C:Q D:T H:Q)
K: C:94 D:AJ86542 H:K S:J32   (Pass: D:J6 H:K)
R: C:AK653 D:K9 H:T964 S:75   (Pass: C:K D:K9)

    D    A    K    R    D    A    K
   ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
 1 *C2*  CQ   C9   CK
 2                *S7*  SK   S6   S3
 3 *CJ*  CT   C4   CA
 4                *C3*  HJ   C7   HK
 5      *DQ*  DJ   D9   SQ
 6      *H2*  DA   H4   HA
 7 *H5*  H3   D8   HT
 8                *C5*  H7   C8   SJ
 9      *H8*  D6   H6   SA
10      *D3*
Randall takes his high Diamond, then leads his Heart into Aaron's last Heart.
Aaron takes the last two points.

K:  0  820
D:  3  681
A: 20  675
R:  3  580


Hand 123
(2000 Sep 11-2000 Sep 27)

No first blood, pass across.

Hands after the pass:

K: C:KQJ2 D:QJ43 H:AK9 S:Q2   (Pass: C:2 D:QJ)
R: C:AT9763 D: H:752 S:A953   (Pass: C:A H:2 S:A)
D: C:854 D:76 H:864 S:JT764   (Pass: H:864)
A: C: D:AKT9852 H:QJT3 S:K8   (Pass: D:A H:Q S:K)

    K    R    D    A    K    R    D
   ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
 1 *C2*  C9   C8   SK
 2      *S5*  SJ   S8   S2
 3           *ST*  DA   SQ   S9
 4 *D4*  H7   D7   D5
 5           *H4*  H3   HA   H2
 6 *CK*  CT   C5   DK
 7 *DQ*  SA   D6   D8
 8 *D3*  S3   H8   D2
 9 *H9*  H5   H6   HQ
10                *HT*  HK   CA   S7
Kevin takes "the rest."

K: 21  841
D:  1  682
A:  4  679
R:  0  580


Hands 125-132
(2001 Jun 24)

On 2001 Jun 23, Aaron Lewis got married!  Naturally, the Browning Street
Boys gathered in Boulder, Colorado to witness this blessed event, and of
course, we played Hearts.  (Also, the groom and several members of his
wedding party nearly got killed, but that's another story.)

E-hand 124 was going on, so we started at E-hand 125.

We drew to RDAK configuration and the taunting nickel
("How does this go again?") came up tails ("Heads is always blood.")

 R   D   A   K
--- --- --- ---
  0   4  13   9
  3   1   0  22
  2   0   6  18
  3  15   7   1

  4  16   6   0 
  2   0  24   0
 20   1   3   2
  3   4   2  17 

So the totals for the day were:

Randall: 37
Dan:     41
Aaron:   61
Kevin:   69

Pretty close.  This places the totals for the hands tracked on this page
up to that point (all 131 of them!) at:

K: 910
A: 740
D: 723
R: 617


Hand 124
(2000 Sep 28-2001 Aug 8)

No first blood, keeper.

Hands after the pass:

K: C:952 D:92 H:AK854 S:T93
R: C: D:AT63 H:QJ97 S:AQJ65
D: C:J763 D:KQJ H:632 S:742
A: C:AKQT84 D:8754 H:T S:K8

    K    R    D    A    K    R    D
   ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
01 *C2*  DA   CJ   CA
02                *D8*  D9   DT   DK
03           *C3*  C4   C9   SQ
04 *ST*  S6   S4   SK
05                *S8*  S3   SA   S7
06      *D6*  DQ   D7   D2
07           *H2*  HT   H8   H9
08                *D4*  HA   D3   DJ
09           *H3*  C8   H5   HQ
10      *S5*  S2   CQ   S9
11 *H4*  H7   H6   CT
12      *HJ*  C7   CK   HK
13 *C5*  SJ   C6   D5

K: 15  925
A:  4  744
D:  1  724
R:  6  623


Hand 133
(2001 Oct 1-2001 Dec 17) New seats!

First blood, pass left.

Hands after the pass:

K: C:K9862 D:QJ H:AJ S:AK83   (Pass: C:98 S:K)
A: C:5 D:763 H:K542 S:QJ964   (Pass: C:5 H:52)
D: C:AQJT43 D:A954 H:Q S:T7   (Pass: C:AT H:Q)
R: C:7 D:KT82 H:T98763 S:52   (Pass: H:T87)

    K    A    D    R    K    A    D
   ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
01  C2   C5   C4  *C7*
02                 S5   S8   S9  *ST*
03           *S7*  S2   S3   S4 
04           *DA*  DK   DJ   D7 
05            D4   D2  *DQ*  D6 
06  C6   D3  *CQ*  DT 
07            D5  *D8*  HA   SQ 
08                 H3   HJ   H5  *HQ*
09            C3   HT  *CK*  SJ 
10  C8   HK  *CA*   
Dan takes "the rest."

K:  1  926
A:  0  744
D: 11  735
R: 14  637


Hand 134
(2002 Jan 8-2002 Feb 6)

First blood, pass right.

Hands after the pass:

D: C:AJ982 D:QT5 H:A4 S:Q74   (Pass: D:QT H:4)
R: C:KQT6543 D:6 H: S:KT532   (Pass: C:K5 D:6)
K: C:7 D:J97432 H:86 S:AJ98   (Pass: C:7 D:J9)
A: C: D:AK8 H:KQJT97532 S:6   (Pass: D:AK8)

    D    R    K    A    D    R    K
   ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
01  C2   C5  *C7*  DK 
02            D9   D8  *DT*  D6 
03  D5   SK   D7  *DA*
04                 S6   S4   ST  *SJ*
05            D4   H9  *DQ*  CK 
06 *HA*  CT   H6   HT 
07  H4   S5  *H8*  H7 
08           *D3*  HJ   SQ   CQ 
09           *S8*  H5   S7   S3 
10           *S9*  H2   CA   S2 
11           *SA*  HK       
Kevin takes "the rest."

K: 22  948
A:  0  744
D:  4  739
R:  0  637

We have played 1026 recorded hands of Hearts!

Gummi images decorate my pages.

No Microsoft products were used in the creation of my WWW pages.

Email address: gee@math.berkeley.edu

Go to my main page.